The inferior crocodile alligator. He/Him. Spawned 1994.


The void that screams back.


(under construction)


A cease and desist away from oblivion.


Gay TikTok should be called DikDok


How does this website still even exist? Why do I still use it? Only God knows.


LR enjoys basking beneath a heatlamp somewhere in America's Wal-Mart: Florida. Generally curled up with a book of questionable quality.The LR stands for different things when you look at it from different angles like those old holographic cards. Some examples include: Leather Rainbow, Lesser Rex, Loquacious Reptile, Leftist Reliquary, Lord Raptor, Lowsee Ritter.LR was almost excommunicated from the LDS Church for drinking too much tequila and 'same gender attraction,' jokes on them he left anyway.LR should under no circumstances be allowed to touch a word processor. If he does he will invariably write something with gay animal people. This is, to quote the zeitgeist, 'cringe.'LR is a gay furry. Don't worry his parents are very disappointed.